Sinhala and Tamil New Year
The Sinhala & Tamil New Year in Sri Lanka celebrates the end of the harvesting season and is the most festive season of the year. The dawn of the New Year is based on the sun’s astrological movement from the Meena Rashiya (House of Pisces) to the Mesha Rashiya (House of Aries), bringing to the end the harvesting season. This festival is celebrated in the month of April by both Sinhalese & Tamil communities alike.

Sinhala and Tamil New Year
The Sinhala & Tamil New Year in Sri Lanka celebrates the end of the harvesting season and is the most festive season of the year. The dawn of the New Year is based on the sun’s astrological movement from the Meena Rashiya (House of Pisces) to the Mesha Rashiya (House of Aries), bringing to the end the harvesting season. This festival is celebrated in the month of April by both Sinhalese & Tamil communities alike.

Unduvap Poya Day
Unduvap Poya is the last Full Moon Poya day of the year and commemorates the arrival of Sangamitta Theri in Sri Lanka with a Bo sapling from the sacred “Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi”in India during the month of Unduwap. The devotees climb the summit of Sri Pada where the sacred footprint of the Buddha is placed.

Unduvap Poya Day
Unduvap Poya is the last Full Moon Poya day of the year and commemorates the arrival of Sangamitta Theri in Sri Lanka with a Bo sapling from the sacred “Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi”in India during the month of Unduwap. The devotees climb the summit of Sri Pada where the sacred footprint of the Buddha is placed.
Esala Poya & Kandy Esala Perahera
Esala Poya falls in the month of July and is a very important day for Buddhist devotees. Esala Poya is the night in which the Bodhisattva was conceived in the womb of his mother Queen Maha Maya and also the day (in his youth) in which Prince Siddhartha renounced his royal lifestyle.

Esala Poya & Kandy Esala Perahera
Esala Poya falls in the month of July and is a very important day for Buddhist devotees. Esala Poya is the night in which the Bodhisattva was conceived in the womb of his mother Queen Maha Maya and also the day (in his youth) in which Prince Siddhartha renounced his royal lifestyle.

Ramadan – Festival of Breaking The Fast
Ramadan – ‘Eid-ul-Fitr’ (also known as Ramazan or Ramadhan) is the “festival of breaking the fast” celebrated by Muslims the world over, bringing to an end the Islamic holy month of fasting, Celebrated on a single day, Eid is an important holiday of religious significance for followers of the Islamic faith.

Ramadan – Festival of Breaking The Fast
Ramadan – ‘Eid-ul-Fitr’ (also known as Ramazan or Ramadhan) is the “festival of breaking the fast” celebrated by Muslims the world over, bringing to an end the Islamic holy month of fasting, Celebrated on a single day, Eid is an important holiday of religious significance for followers of the Islamic faith.
Poson Poya Festival
Poson Poya, usually falls in June and It was on a Poson Full Moon Poya day in the 3rd century B.C that Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka by Arahant Mahinda. This momentous event occurred in Anuradhapura city in Sri Lanka, which has, since then, become the focus of Poson Poya religious observances each year.

Poson Poya Festival
Poson Poya, usually falls in June and It was on a Poson Full Moon Poya day in the 3rd century B.C that Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka by Arahant Mahinda. This momentous event occurred in Anuradhapura city in Sri Lanka, which has, since then, become the focus of Poson Poya religious observances each year.

Vesak Poya – The Festival of Lights
Vesak or Wesak commemorates the three most important milestones in the life of Gautama Buddha – His birth, enlightenment and passing away. Buddhists in Sri Lanka spend the Vesak Poya day engaged in meditation and meritorious deeds. And pay homage to Lord Buddha by decorating Temples, creating beautiful decorations depicting scenes from His life and offering prayers of worship.

Vesak Poya – The Festival of Lights
Vesak or Wesak commemorates the three most important milestones in the life of Gautama Buddha – His birth, enlightenment and passing away. Buddhists in Sri Lanka spend the Vesak Poya day engaged in meditation and meritorious deeds. And pay homage to Lord Buddha by decorating Temples, creating beautiful decorations depicting scenes from His life and offering prayers of worship.
Christmas in Sri Lanka
Christmas is celebrated by Christians in Sri Lanka (Catholic as well as other denominations) to mark the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem many centuries ago. Along with millions of Christians worldwide, those in Sri Lanka enter the month of December with anticipation and excitement, looking forward to this festival which brings together families and friends in an environment of good cheer.

Christmas in Sri Lanka
Christmas is celebrated by Christians in Sri Lanka (Catholic as well as other denominations) to mark the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem many centuries ago. Along with millions of Christians worldwide, those in Sri Lanka enter the month of December with anticipation and excitement, looking forward to this festival which brings together families and friends in an environment of good cheer.

Il Poya – A peaceful holiday
Il Full Moon Poya day, the penultimate Poya of the year, usually falls in the week of November and is a holiday in Sri Lanka. Followers of the Buddhist faith visit the temple with family members and offer flowers. Many observe Sil and engage in meditation on this day. The strains of Dhamma preachings by Buddhist monks can be heard from the Temples from morning till dusk.

Il Poya – A peaceful holiday
Il Full Moon Poya day, the penultimate Poya of the year, usually falls in the week of November and is a holiday in Sri Lanka. Followers of the Buddhist faith visit the temple with family members and offer flowers. Many observe Sil and engage in meditation on this day. The strains of Dhamma preachings by Buddhist monks can be heard from the Temples from morning till dusk.
Vap Poya | The Month of Robes
Vap Full Moon Poya Day marks the end of the 3 month retreat by Buddhist monks known as the Vas (rainy) season. The laity offers Katina robes on Vap Poya to the Buddhist monks as an act of merit and to gain good Karma. Vap usually falls in October and is a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Buddhists all over the country visit Temples to observe Sil and make offerings of flowers and incense.

Vap Poya | The Month of Robes
Vap Full Moon Poya Day marks the end of the 3 month retreat by Buddhist monks known as the Vas (rainy) season. The laity offers Katina robes on Vap Poya to the Buddhist monks as an act of merit and to gain good Karma. Vap usually falls in October and is a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Buddhists all over the country visit Temples to observe Sil and make offerings of flowers and incense.

Deepavali Festival of Lights
Deepavali or Diwali is an ancient festival celebrated annually by Hindus in autumn every year. It signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and hope over despair. The festival lasts for a period of five days, of which the main festival night of Diwali falls on the darkest night of the new moon during the Hindu Lunisolar month of Kartik – usually falls between mid-October and mid-November each year.

Deepavali Festival of Lights
Deepavali or Diwali is an ancient festival celebrated annually by Hindus in autumn every year. It signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and hope over despair. The festival lasts for a period of five days, of which the main festival night of Diwali falls on the darkest night of the new moon during the Hindu Lunisolar month of Kartik – usually falls between mid-October and mid-November each year.
Bak Poya in Sri Lanka
Bak Poya (Bak Pura Pasaloswaka Poya Day) which falls in the month of April marks Lord Buddha’s visit to Nagadipa. This was his second visit to Sri Lanka after Enlightenment. According to the ancient chronicle, Mahavamsa, He visited Nagadipa as he perceived an atmosphere of animosity between two parties of the Naga community. The deity Samaddhisumana accompanied the Blessed One on this journey.

Bak Poya in Sri Lanka
Bak Poya (Bak Pura Pasaloswaka Poya Day) which falls in the month of April marks Lord Buddha’s visit to Nagadipa. This was his second visit to Sri Lanka after Enlightenment. According to the ancient chronicle, Mahavamsa, He visited Nagadipa as he perceived an atmosphere of animosity between two parties of the Naga community. The deity Samaddhisumana accompanied the Blessed One on this journey.

Good Friday – Joining The World to Remember
Good Friday is one such significant day in the Christian calendar. Like millions of Christians around the globe, those in Sri Lanka too remember, with gratitude, the supreme sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on the cross. It is marked by services in every Church across the island, many of them extending over three hour duration to signify the length of time Christ suffered much agony on the cross.

Good Friday – Joining The World to Remember
Good Friday is one such significant day in the Christian calendar. Like millions of Christians around the globe, those in Sri Lanka too remember, with gratitude, the supreme sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on the cross. It is marked by services in every Church across the island, many of them extending over three hour duration to signify the length of time Christ suffered much agony on the cross.
Medin Poya
Falls in the month of March – Medin poya marks the day when Buddha visited his father King Suddodhana for the first time as the “Samma Sambuddha” (Fully Enlightened One).On that Medin Full Moon Poya day many centuries ago, during his visit many significant events occurred that would be commemorated with reverence in the centuries to follow.

Medin Poya
Falls in the month of March – Medin poya marks the day when Buddha visited his father King Suddodhana for the first time as the “Samma Sambuddha” (Fully Enlightened One).On that Medin Full Moon Poya day many centuries ago, during his visit many significant events occurred that would be commemorated with reverence in the centuries to follow.

Maha Shivarathri – Festival of Shiva
Maha Shivarathri or Padmarajarathri means the great night of Shiva or the night of Shiva. As the name implies, it is a night devoted to paying homage to lord Shiva, also known as Mahadeva, who is considered the supreme god by Hindu devotees. Celebrated on the 13thnight / 14th day of the “Maagha” month in the Hindu calendar, it commemorates several legends related to Shiva, demonstrating both his strength and merciful manner.

Maha Shivarathri – Festival of Shiva
Maha Shivarathri or Padmarajarathri means the great night of Shiva or the night of Shiva. As the name implies, it is a night devoted to paying homage to lord Shiva, also known as Mahadeva, who is considered the supreme god by Hindu devotees. Celebrated on the 13thnight / 14th day of the “Maagha” month in the Hindu calendar, it commemorates several legends related to Shiva, demonstrating both his strength and merciful manner.
Thai Pongal – A Festival of Gratitude to Surya
Celebrated on an auspicious day in mid-January, Thai Pongal or Pongal unites Tamils all across Sri Lanka in an ardent prayer of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest. Spanning three days, the celebrations pay tribute to the Sun, ‘Surya’ while paying homage to cattle for their vital role in agriculture and farming.

Thai Pongal – A Festival of Gratitude to Surya
Celebrated on an auspicious day in mid-January, Thai Pongal or Pongal unites Tamils all across Sri Lanka in an ardent prayer of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest. Spanning three days, the celebrations pay tribute to the Sun, ‘Surya’ while paying homage to cattle for their vital role in agriculture and farming.

Duruthu Poya – Buddha’s First Visit
Duruthu Poya, the initial full moon day of the Gregorian calendar, commemorates the Buddha’s first of three visits to Sri Lanka. The Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharaya or Kelaniya Temple, near Colombo, hosts a “perahera” – procession to mark this symbolic event. The perahera is a spectacular aspect of Sri Lanka.s festivals in which an array of traditionally-attired dancers, drummers, whip-crackers, acrobats, and enrobed elephants, participate.

Duruthu Poya – Buddha’s First Visit
Duruthu Poya, the initial full moon day of the Gregorian calendar, commemorates the Buddha’s first of three visits to Sri Lanka. The Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharaya or Kelaniya Temple, near Colombo, hosts a “perahera” – procession to mark this symbolic event. The perahera is a spectacular aspect of Sri Lanka.s festivals in which an array of traditionally-attired dancers, drummers, whip-crackers, acrobats, and enrobed elephants, participate.
Binara Poya
Binara Poya (Binara Pura Pasalosvaka Poya Day) usually falls in September. Binara Poya is the day when Sri Lankan Buddhists commemorate the establishment of the Bhikkhuni Sasanaya or Order of the Female Buddhist Monastic. The very first bhikkuni ordained was the stepmother of Gautama Buddha, Mahapajapathi Gothami.

Binara Poya
Binara Poya (Binara Pura Pasalosvaka Poya Day) usually falls in September. Binara Poya is the day when Sri Lankan Buddhists commemorate the establishment of the Bhikkhuni Sasanaya or Order of the Female Buddhist Monastic. The very first bhikkuni ordained was the stepmother of Gautama Buddha, Mahapajapathi Gothami.

Hajj Festival or Eid - ul - Adha
Eid-al-Adha (عيدالأضحى) is also called the Hajj festival, Feast of the sacrifice, the Greater Eid and Eid e Qurban. It is the second religious holiday in the Islamic calendar and is celebrated by Muslims all over the world. The Hajj festival is commemorated by many Muslims with a pilgrimage to Mecca during the Hajj week. It is said that this is the largest gathering of Muslims in the world every year.

Hajj Festival or Eid - ul - Adha
Eid-al-Adha (عيدالأضحى) is also called the Hajj festival, Feast of the sacrifice, the Greater Eid and Eid e Qurban. It is the second religious holiday in the Islamic calendar and is celebrated by Muslims all over the world. The Hajj festival is commemorated by many Muslims with a pilgrimage to Mecca during the Hajj week. It is said that this is the largest gathering of Muslims in the world every year.